Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My garden plot is finally producing stuff. These are tomatoes off of Josh's plant, right before they landed in my stomach. They were good. The herbs are making a comeback and the sunflowers are about to bloom.

I went to a press conference where the Gavinator stuck his head in a tailpipe of a bus. His hair was perfect.

Monday, September 11, 2006

about a month ago i went to chicago with my parents. this was one of the few times smiles happened on our trip. we were all frustrated with each other. it felt like i was being treated like a teenager, and so i acted like one. my dad struggled with his hearing loss and my mom with the fear of getting lost. actually we all struggled with these things by default.
the trip was rather uneventful, as i found chicago to be a dull city. the whole time i was there i kept wondering, "why do people live here? what am i missing?" the food was good and the people portly.
now i've got my own damn blog. i'm really just copying everyone else(Liz). what the hell am i doing with my life? i think i just want to hide in the woods and be a hermit. just for a few weeks. only to emerge with even less social prowess than before and a mad, wild look in my eyes. and a mustache.